About Us

Youth & Tech Workforce Ecosystem


Support one another in acts of goodness and virtue, staying true to our roots.

The Triple Zero is a youth and tech workforce development organization based in the Capital District of New York, dedicated to bridging the gap between talent and opportunity in the tech industry. Inspired and widely reminded around the world by Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, to focus on three transformative goals, staying true to our roots – Zero Unemployment, Zero Poverty, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions for the next generation. 

We provide cutting-edge accessible and intensive training, mentorship, and career guidance to individuals to secure jobs from all educational backgrounds, fostering technical growth and building sustainable, inclusive communities. Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, we aim to create a secure digital ecosystem that empowers individuals, protects businesses, and drives meaningful societal change.

By equipping aspiring professionals with essential skills, technology and opportunities, The Triple Zero strives to shape a future where AI technology and human potential come together to achieve workforce independence and make an ever lasting contribution to the vibrant tech ecosystem of the state of New York and Beyond.

Our Value

Protecting America's Future, Every Moment Counts

Vision Statement

To create a sustained secure future where technology-driven innovation empowers individuals and communities, eliminating unemployment, poverty, and environmental harm.
Through cutting-edge AI and cybersecurity education, we strive to build a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient digital workforce that thrives in the ever-evolving global economy.

Mission Statement

At The Triple Zero, we are committed to empowering individuals and communities through AI-driven workforce development, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital era.

Our mission is to eliminate unemployment, reduce poverty, and minimize environmental impact by equipping people with the skills needed for sustainable careers growth in the state of New York and beyond.